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Friday, March 25, 2016

Mixin is not Composition.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Close Properties Panel Shortcut Visual Studio

There is a shortcut for opening the properties panel in visual studio. But there is not a paired shortcut to CLOSE IT! This is really annoying. I have shortcuts to open all of the panels I use in visual studio. But I can't use any shortcuts to close them. I get that, with a mouse, the opening is much slower than the closing... But it would be nice if we could at the very least, close the ACTIVE PANEL with a shortcut. NOT close the active document. I see the shortcuts for that. I can close all documents. I just can't close the explorer, toolbox, and properties panels with a shortcut. Really annoyed.

Close Solution Explorer Shortcut Visual Studio

There is a shortcut for opening the solution explorer. But there is no shortcut for closing it. Very annoying for someone trying to set up hotkeys!

Close ToolBox Visual Studio

There is a shortcut for opening the toolbox, but not for closing it, what gives?

Monday, March 14, 2016

Stood Vector

Stood Vector: How I heard someone pronounce std::vector on the internet. Figured one day someone might hear it, not know what was meant, and try to google it. Now there will be relevant google results.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Delete Character

Having Delete Be FF or 7F is pretty neat. Origins in punch cards where you could punch out all the bits on a given line to delete/ignore that line if it was a mistake.